How to hire foreign students studying at Japanese universities after graduation
In recent years, not only large corporations but also many other companies are looking to employ talented foreigners.
Among these cases, there is a pattern where foreigners studying at a Japanese university are hired as new graduates after graduation.
In this case, the foreign student's status of residence will need to be changed from "Student" to one that allows for work, such as "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services."
While the application itself should be made by the foreign national himself/herself, there are also some documents that the employing company must prepare.
Furthermore, in order to be permitted to change one's status of residence, there must be a connection between the foreign student's major at university and their work.
If it is determined that there is no relation between the student's major and his/her work, the change of status of residence will be denied.
If you're a large company that has hired many international students, it may not be a problem, but if you have little experience hiring international students or are hiring someone for the first time, it's safest to ask a Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist who specializes in handling immigration applications for foreigners.
A Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist who specializes in handling immigration applications for foreigners will be able to determine the relevance of your major to the job, and can provide solid advice on what documents you need to prepare for the application.

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