
What to do first if an inheritance occurs

When an inheritance occurs, there are many things that must be done, but the first thing that must be done is to identify the heirs.If the heirs are not determined, the estate division agreement will be invalid and inheritance registration cannot be carried out.This is because the division of an estate requires the consent of […]

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Things to be aware of when your Japanese spouse dies

Even if you are a foreigner married to a Japanese person, if your Japanese spouse dies, you will need to go through inheritance procedures.Under Japanese law, the spouse of the deceased is always an heir, but if the inheritance ratio is determined in an estate division agreement or other document, that takes precedence.I have also […]

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Precautions for writing a last will and testament

After your death, you are free to decide who you want to leave your estate to.A last will and testament is created to specify this in detail.However, even if you have created a last will and testament, there are times when you may not be able to carry out the will accordingly.That is the “Legally […]

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The system of Vesting Inherited Land in the National Treasury will start from April 27 this year

"The system of Vesting Inherited Land in the National Treasury" is a system that allows heirs who have acquired land ownership through inheritance or bequest to relinquish the land to the national treasury.However, in order to use this system, certain requirements must be met.For example, for land, this system cannot be used if there are […]

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What is "renunciation of inheritance"?

Renunciation of inheritance means refusing to inherit all of the inheritance including debts.In order to renounce an inheritance, a person must make a statement to the family court within three months from the date on which he or she became aware of the commencement of the inheritance.In the case of inheritance renunciation, unlike qualified acceptance, […]

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What is “Qualified Acceptance”?

Qualified acceptance is a system in which the debts of the decedent are inherited to the limit of the property obtained by inheritance.In order to make qualified acceptance, it is necessary to submit an inventory of the inherited property to the family court within three months from the date of knowing the start of the […]

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Is the bank account of the deceased frozen when the death certificate is filed?

When a person dies, a death certificate must be filed within 7 days of the date of death.Some people think that filing this death certificate will freeze the deceased person's bank account, but that's not the case.Even if you submit the death notification, the bank will not be contacted by the government office, so the […]

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What is an adjudicatio of disappearance?

An adjudicatio of disappearance is a system that has the effect of presuming a missing person to be legally dead.For example, if a family member is missing and it is not clear if he or she is alive or dead, the property of the missing person cannot be disposed of.Also, if the missing person has […]

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Points to note when considering renunciation of inheritance

When the decedent dies, the property of the decedent passes to the heirs.However, if the decedent has outstanding debts, the heir will inherit the debts along with the property.Therefore, if there are more debts than assets, only debts will be inherited.In such cases, renunciation of inheritance may be considered.If the inheritance is renounced, the heir […]

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Chain successions tax credit

If the mother also dies within 10 years after the father's death, chain successions tax credit are recognized and the inheritance tax is reduced.As a result, an amount equivalent to a certain percentage of the tax amount imposed at the time of inheritance (primary inheritance) upon the death of the father will be deducted from […]

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