August 2024

Business Manager
Things to consider before applying for a status of residence of "Business Manager"

Foreigners who do not have a status of residence that does not restrict work, such as a "Permanent Resident" or "Long-Term Resident," need to obtain a status of residence of "Business Manager" in order to start a business in Japan.However, depending on the type of business, you cannot start just by obtaining the status of […]

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Specified Skilled Worker
If you hire a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", you must join a Specified Skilled Worker Councils by Field.

With the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", people can engage in work that is not permitted with other work-permitting statuses of residence, so We think there are many companies that would like to employ a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker".When hiring a foreigner with a status of residence […]

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Things to be aware of when your Japanese spouse dies

Even if you are a foreigner married to a Japanese person, if your Japanese spouse dies, you will need to go through inheritance procedures.Under Japanese law, the spouse of the deceased is always an heir, but if the inheritance ratio is determined in an estate division agreement or other document, that takes precedence.I have also […]

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After graduating from a Japanese high school, foreigners who work with a status of residence of "Designated Activities" are now allowed to change their status of residence to "Long-Term Resident" if they meet certain requirements.

Foreign nationals who stayed in Japan with a status of residence of"Dependen” and wished to continue working in Japan after graduating from a Japanese high school were permitted to obtain status of residence of "Long-Term Resident" or "Designated Activities".The status of residence of "Long-Term Resident" has advantages over the status of residence of "Designated Activities" […]

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