After graduating from a Japanese high school, foreigners who work with a status of residence of "Designated Activities" are now allowed to change their status of residence to "Long-Term Resident" if they meet certain requirements.
Foreign nationals who stayed in Japan with a status of residence of"Dependen” and wished to continue working in Japan after graduating from a Japanese high school were permitted to obtain status of residence of "Long-Term Resident" or "Designated Activities".
The status of residence of "Long-Term Resident" has advantages over the status of residence of "Designated Activities" , such as no work restrictions.
The requirements for permission to change the status of residence of foreigners working with a status of residence of "Designated Activities" to "Long-Term Resident" have been announced.
Specifically, if you have been working with a status of residence of "Designated Activities" and have stayed in Japan for more than five years, you will be allowed to change your status of residence to "Long-Term Resident".
See below for details.