If you hire a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", you must join a Specified Skilled Worker Councils by Field.
With the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", people can engage in work that is not permitted with other work-permitting statuses of residence, so We think there are many companies that would like to employ a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker".
When hiring a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", unlike when hiring foreign nationals with other statuses of residence, it is mandatory to join a Specified Skilled Worker Councils by Field.
Until now, companies employing a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker" were only required to join these Specified Skilled Worker Councils by Field within four months of hiring, but as of June 19th of this year, they are required to join before applying for certification of residence status or permission to change it.
In addition, for the "Shipbuilding and ship machinery industries", "Automobile repair and maintenance", "Aviation industry", "Accommodation industry", "Manufacture of food and beverages" and "Food service Industry", registered support organizations that provide support for "Specified Skilled Worke" foreign nationals must also join the Specified Skilled Worker Councils by Field.
It is important to note that in the case of the Council for Specified Skills Worker in the Automobile repair and maintenance Field, Registered support organizations cannot join the council unless they employ "personnel who hold first or second class automobile mechanic qualifications or individuals with more than five years of practical experience in teaching at an automobile maintenance training institution."
In addition, there are councils that require annual membership fees and acceptance fees, such as the Japan Association for Construction Human Resources (JAC), a Construction industry council.
If you are considering employing a foreigner with a status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", we recommend that you consult with a specialized Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist in advance.

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