Things to be aware of when hiring Specified Skilled Worker.
When hiring Specified Skilled Worker and bringing them from overseas, companies need to be aware of the following points:
- To the extent possible, provide the minimum facilities required for Specified Skilled Worker to live in Japan.
- Consider the first month's living expenses for Specified Skilled Worker.
Since there is no salary during the first month after arriving in Japan and starting work (as salary is usually paid the following month), it is necessary for the Specified Skilled Worker to prepare living expenses (mainly food) and the cost of purchasing daily necessities until the first payday.
For this reason, sSpecified Skilled Worker brings a certain amount of money with them.
However, because Specified Skilled Worker comes to Japan from countries with different price levels, it is virtually impossible for them to bring enough money with them to cover living expenses and purchase daily necessities.
For this reason, it is necessary for companies employing Specified Skilled Worker to support them as much as possible.
Our office is also registered as a support organization and provides advice to hiring companies and support for Specified Skilled Workers so please feel free to contact us if you are considering employing Specified Skilled Workers.

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