January 2025
Things to be aware of when hiring Specified Skilled Worker.
When hiring Specified Skilled Worker and bringing them from overseas, companies need to be aware of the following points: Since there is no salary during the first month after arriving in Japan and starting work (as salary is usually paid the following month), it is necessary for the Specified Skilled Worker to prepare living expenses […]
From 2025, submission of a tuberculosis-free certificate will be mandatory for some countries.
From 2025 onwards, nationals of the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, Myanmar and China will be required to submit a tuberculosis-free certificate when applying for a Certificate of Eligibility.The specific start dates for each country are as follows: For more information, please see below. (Japanese)https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/10_00219.html
My Number Card and Residence Card will be integrated
The "Act to Partially Amend the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, etc." was issued on June 21st, 2024, and it was decided that the My Number card and residence card will be integrated into a specified residence card.The effective date will be a date to be determined by government ordinance within not more than […]
Can I bring my elderly parent from my home country to Japan?
We sometimes receive inquiries asking, "I want to invite my parent from my home country, but what should I do?"It is not possible to invite your parents over with a status or residence of "Dependent", which is the general residence status for dependent family members.However, if the following conditions are met, it is possible to […]
New Year's Greetings
Happy New Year.We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your patronage last year.We hope for your continued patronage in 2025. Chiba Visa Support StationVisa Yamamoto OfficeCertified Administrative Procedures Legal SpecialistYAMAMOTO Akira