Prohibited matters and compliance matters imposed on those who accept technical intern trainees and implement technical intern training

The Technical Intern Training Act stipulates prohibited matters and matters that must be observed by those who accept technical intern trainees and implement technical intern training.
For example, it is prohibited to keep the technical intern trainee's passport or residence card, or to enter into a contract with the technical intern trainee or his/her family that prescribes a penalty for breaking the technical intern training contract or the amount of compensation for damages.
In addition, there is a compliance requirement that "the amount of remuneration for technical intern trainees shall be equal to or greater than the amount of remuneration for Japanese workers, and other treatment of technical intern trainees shall comply with the standards stipulated by the ordinance of the competent ministry".
If you violate these, you may be subject to revocation of the technical intern training certification, and if you receive revocation, you will not be able to receive certification for 5 years after that, so be careful.
