The Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist exam for 2022 is the day after tomorrow.
The day after tomorrow (Sunday, 13th) is the Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist exam date for 2022.For those who are planning to take the exam, I would like you to give yourself plenty of time on the day.However, even if you arrive at the exam venue too early, you will have to wait outside until […]
When you start a part-time job, read the contract carefully
When you start a part-time job at a restaurant or convenience store, it is normal to exchange a contract.However, the wording of the contract may use phrases that are not often used in everyday conversation, and I think that some people do not read all the details properly.Especially for foreigners, it may be difficult to […]
To everyone who will take the Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist exam in 2022
The 2022 Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist exam will be held on Sunday, November 13th.If you are planning to take the exam, make sure you are well prepared.The Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist Exam is a test in which you have to solve all 60 questions, including 3 written questions, in 3 hours, so time […]