
Specified Skilled Worker
Due to the revision of the system of the Specifed Skilled Worker, in some fields, the examination was exempted when transitioning from Technical intern training(ⅱ) to Specifed Skilled Worker.

On August 30th, a cabinet decision was made to change the policy on the operation of the system related to the status of residence for Specifed Skilled Worker (operational policy by sector).Those who completed Technical intern training(ⅱ) were exempt from specific skill tests, etc., and were treated as meeting the required skill level.This time, the […]

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Inheritance when a foreigner dies

Article 36 of Japan's "General Rules for the Application of Laws" stipulates that "inheritance shall be governed by the law of the decedent's home country."Therefore, when a foreigner living in Japan dies, the law of the foreigner's home country (country of nationality) will be applied to the inheritance.Therefore, even if the heirs are only a […]

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Even foreigners can enroll in private insurance

If you are a foreigner residing in Japan and have a residence card (unless you are a Temporary Visitor), you are probably enrolled in the National Health Insurance.The National Health Insurance covers part of the medical expenses of its members, but it does not cover living expenses during absence from work due to illness or […]

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Business Manager
Is capital of 5 million yen necessary to establish a new company and acquire a status of residence of “Business Manager”?

Some foreigners think that 5,000,000 yen is required for capital in order to establish a new company in Japan and obtain the status of residence of "Business Manager", but this is not accurate.The "Ministerial Order to Provide for Criteria Pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph (1), Item (ii) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" […]

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Highly Skilled Professional
What is a “Highly Skilled Professional(HSP)”?

"Highly Skilled Professional(HSP)" is a status of residence established to promote the acceptance of human resources with advanced specialized skills, and points are set for each item such as "educational background", "work experience", "annual income", etc. , is recognized when the total points reach a certain number.Highly-skilled professionals" include Category (ⅰ)(a) for "Advanced academic research […]

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Permanent Resident
The period of stay of a "Permanent Resident(PR)" is indefinite, but it may be revoked.

The status of residence for foreigners staying in Japan has an expiration date, with the exception of some statuses of residence.The status of residence of "Permanent Resident(PR)" has no restrictions on activities and no restrictions on the period of stay.Therefore, the eligibility requirements are strict.However, what you have to be careful about is that the […]

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Permanent Resident
Even a child of a permanent resident may not be able to obtain the status of residence of "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident(SCPR)".

In order to be granted the status of residence of “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident(SCPR),”, one of the following must apply. Spouse of permanent resident, etc. A person who was born in Japan as a child of a permanent resident, etc. and continues to reside in Japan. In the case of a child of […]

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How to enroll a child of a relative living abroad in a Japanese elementary school or junior high school

We sometimes receive requests from foreigners living in Japan, such as, "I would like to invite a child of my relative who lives abroad to Japan to attend elementary or junior high school in Japan."In this case, the status of residence will be "Student", but the requirements for this status of residence to be recognized […]

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Business Manager
Procedures required for foreigners to hire employees in Japan

There are procedures required for a foreigner to set up a company in Japan and then hire an employee.If you hire at least one employee after the company is established, the company will be covered by labor insurance (worker's accident compensation insurance and unemployment insurance).The employer must submit an insurance relationship establishment notification within 10 […]

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Permanent Resident
A child of a Permanent Resident who fails to apply for permanent residence within 30 days after birth

If a child of a Permanent Resident is born in Japan, the status of residence of "Permanent Resident(PR)" will be granted by applying for permanent residence within 30 days after the birth.However, if it exceeds 30 days, you will not be able to apply for ”Permanent resident(PR)”, so you will have to apply for permission […]

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