Difference between 30 days and 31 days of period of stay in "Designated Activities" for departure preparation

If you have applied for an extension of period of stay or a change of status of residence but have been denied permission, you will be given a status of residence called "Designated Activities" for preparation to leave Japan.
There are two types of "Designated Activities" for preparing to leave the country, one with a period of stay of 30 days and one with a period of stay of 31 days.
The period of stay of 30 days and 31 days is only one day apart, but in reality there is a big difference as follows.

  • If the period of stay is 30 days: You cannot apply for a change of status of residence.
  • If the period of stay is 31 days: You can apply for a change of status of residence.

This is because if the period of stay is 30 days, the "special period" of the status of residence is not applied, but if the period of stay is 31 days, this "special period" is applied.
Therefore, if a person who has been granted a period of stay of 31 days applies for a change of status of residence before the expiration of the period of stay and is accepted, the person can stay in Japan until the result of the application for a change of status of residence is obtained or until two months have passed since the expiration date of the period of stay on the 31st, whichever comes first.
