June 2024

Business Manager
What many foreigners misunderstand about the status of residence of"Business Manager"

There are many foreigners who want to start up businesses in Japan.For example, some people want to use their experience working as an employee to set up and run their own company. Their reasons for wanting to start up a business vary.However, there are quite a few foreigners who have no such experience or knowledge […]

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Can foreigners who only have income from part-time work apply for naturalization?

There are several conditions that must be met in order for a foreigner to be allowed to naturalize in Japan.One of these is "being able to make a living through the assets or skills of oneself or that of a spouse or other relative with whom one shares the same household."We are sometimes consulted by […]

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Working Visa
Points to note when creating a Notice of Employment

When a foreigner applies for a status of residence when working for a company, it is necessary to attach a notice of employment.This notice of employment describes various conditions such as contract period, working hours, holidays, and wages.Naturally, if there is a violation of various laws including the Labor Standards Act, the application for the […]

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Working Visa
Things to keep in mind when hiring foreigners

Recently, there is a labor shortage, and many companies are looking to hire foreigners.When hiring a foreigner, it is necessary to check with a residence card whether the foreigner has a residence status that allows him or her to work.What you need to be careful about here is that just because the foreigner you are […]

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