When a foreigner with Highly Skilled Professional Visa applies for "Permanent Resident"
Normally, when a foreigner residing in Japan applies for "Permanent resident", he / she must "continue to stay in Japan for 10 years or more".
And, of these, it is necessary to have a Working Visa and stay for at least 5 years.
If you have a Highly Skilled Professional Visa with a score of 70 points or more under the points-based system, you will be recognized as meeting the status of residence if you have stayed in Japan for 3 years or more.
Furthermore, in the case of Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals, who have 80 points or more under the points-based syste, the required period of stay will be shortened to one year.
If you are thinking of applying for ”Permanent Resident" in Japan, we recommend that you check whether you are a "Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals".

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