Companies that accept "Specified Skilled Worker(ⅰ)" in the construction industry field must pay an acceptance fee.

Companies that accept foreigners with "Specified Skilled Worker(ⅰ)" are required to join a council in the field of acceptance.
In the case of the construction industry field, the accepting company must either become a member of a regular member organization of JAC (Japan Associatio for Construction Human Resources) or join JAC directly.
In addition to the above membership fee, if you accept a foreigner with "Specified Skilled Worker(ⅰ)" , you will need to pay the following acceptance fee.

Eligible Specified Skilled WorkersAcceptance contribution per person (monthly amount)
Applicants who have passed the overseas examination (if attending the overseas education and training designated by JAC)¥20,000
Applicants who have passed the overseas examination (if they do not attend the overseas education and training designated by JAC)¥15,000
Successful applicants of the domestic examination¥13,750
Those exempted from the examination (completion of Technical Intern Training (ⅱ), etc.)¥12,500
